Laura Hicks
CHAMP Advisor

My Name is Laura Hicks. I have been employed as the Adult Education Coordinator at the Huntingdon County Career and Technology Center Since 2015. Prior to that I worked as the WIOA Youth Career Development Specialist for over 13 years. For over 10 years I have been the chairperson for the Youth Leadership Huntingdon County Program. My ``WHY`` in life is to be the spark that ignites that lightbulb moment in young adults and just those around me in general. The lightbulb moment for me is when those individuals achieve greatness, then stop, take a deep breath, a moment of reflection, and realize ``I am capable of greatness because I just did something amazing``!

That is also my CHAMP ``WHY``!!! I have been blessed to be involved with CHAMP for several years. I have seen so many occasions for students that may have never had other opportunities to be leaders, to step outside the box and find out that they have such amazing hidden potential! At HCCTC, one of our fundraisers is WHY WE CHAMP Wednesdays! My Why I CHAMP is to be a witness to the impact that these amazing young leaders will have on their school, their community and our future!